Natalie, Wassenaar


“I got to know about Parelli from a friend, already training with Elena, because my horse was not trailer loading. My friend’s Parelli approach worked and since i got very interested in what she told me about Parelli, she invited me to get in touch with Elena and have structural training sessions. From the first moment Elena helped me and my extremely left brained-extrovert haflinger mare into a far better cooperation on the ground.  She is very good in explaining and teaching, but what I like most is that she really reads my little stubborn haflinger and her box of tricks. She is very kind and gentle but yet firm and very clear in her communication and taught me how to best approach my horse and since a year we have our monthly Parelli-day, which is really fun. I also managed to get a whole bunch of ladies interested in and enthusiastic about Parelli so we can not only have our own lesson but can also learn from each other. 

I also learned how my own character and behaviour influences my horse and since we practice Parelli frequently I have a very well-mannered and friendly horse and can’t wait to go further with the Parelli programme. All we learn on the ground reflects in our riding as well, she is more flexible, listens to me better, yields from slight pressure and reacts to subtle hints. And she is a real sidepasser now, finally understands that she can do amazing things with all four legs! 🙂  I’m looking forward to get to work at liberty and sincerely hope that Elena will help and assist and inspire me (and Indra) for many more years.”