
“Never-ending self improvement by combining different perspectives”

Growing up with a passion
At age of 9 Elena started taking riding lessons. Learning from horse professionals in Italy, Switzerland, Germany and the United States gave Elena the chance to explore diverse teaching styles and equestrian traditions. 

From Dressage championships to Natural Horsemanship 
At age of 12 under the guidance of an experienced horse Elena went on to win the Italian National Dressage Championship in the year 2004. Elena continued to compete with her own horse Orianda. It was at this time that because of an injury the question came up: 

“What do you do with a horse if you are not riding?”

What was previously just taking a horse from the stall to the tacking up area, became an art: building a new language to first be safe on the ground, communicate and perform together!

Becoming a trainer and teacher
Through the years Elena has had the opportunity to study with some great athletes, trainers and riders to increase her knowledge and experience. Elena attended clinics with dressage masters such as Walter Zettl, Philippe Karl, dressage naturally founder Karen Rohlf, Thomas Ritter, Manolo Mendez and Italian show jumper Luca Moneta.

“Taking time to learn from the best”

Elena dedicated extensive time to learn from Parelli Natural Horsemanship instructors such as Berni Zambail (Switzerland), Angelika Schneider (Italy), Gigi Pini (Italy). In 2012 Elena completed her teaching education by spending 16 weeks at the Parelli Center in Pagosa Spring, Colorado.

Home base
Now, located at Riverland Horse Farm in Beneden-Leeuwen (Tiel) Elena teaches and trains horses at her own facility.

Always learning
In addition to her passion for horses, Elena also has a passion for science and human psychology. Elena has worked at Utrecht University as a PhD candidate and now works part-time researching diversity and inclusion within the police at Leiden University