
Twix and Natalie

In december 2015 i bought a 5,5 year old horse. She was supposed to be used to the saddle and rider and altough she was mainly trained like a reining horse she was also thougt the basics of englisch dressage. I have no idea how they used to ride her but i just could not. Within a year we came to the point where the horse completely shut down. I could not reach her and neither could my dressage teacher. I needed a completely different approach. Then my teacher gave me Elena’s number. And this was exactly what my horse needed!

It was so painful to see how much stress i caused for my horse just by approaching her or just by being near her. And not just me, for Twix humans were scary! She never really knew what to expect when a human was near her or working with her and to her that was very stressful! In the second lesson Elena looked at Twix and said, ‘riding and training has always been done to this horse, never with her.’ And that broke my heart. I love horse riding but i want my horse to love it to. Twix is not an easy horse but she is honest. If she does not trust something of does not think she can do something she just will not do it. But if she closes one door, she will always open a window for me. Lucky for me, Elena is very good in finding that window. I started my lessons with her 1,5 year ago and it changed everything!

Thanks to Elena’s clear approach Twix has learned to trust me and that working with me can be fun! Riding in the arena is still a big issue for her but she likes it when we go out into the woods. We still have a long way and a lot of lessons to go but she is slowly changing into a wonderful horse and a great friend.

Natalie, Wassenaar


“I got to know about Parelli from a friend, already training with Elena, because my horse was not trailer loading. My friend’s Parelli approach worked and since i got very interested in what she told me about Parelli, she invited me to get in touch with Elena and have structural training sessions. From the first moment Elena helped me and my extremely left brained-extrovert haflinger mare into a far better cooperation on the ground.  She is very good in explaining and teaching, but what I like most is that she really reads my little stubborn haflinger and her box of tricks. She is very kind and gentle but yet firm and very clear in her communication and taught me how to best approach my horse and since a year we have our monthly Parelli-day, which is really fun. I also managed to get a whole bunch of ladies interested in and enthusiastic about Parelli so we can not only have our own lesson but can also learn from each other. 

I also learned how my own character and behaviour influences my horse and since we practice Parelli frequently I have a very well-mannered and friendly horse and can’t wait to go further with the Parelli programme. All we learn on the ground reflects in our riding as well, she is more flexible, listens to me better, yields from slight pressure and reacts to subtle hints. And she is a real sidepasser now, finally understands that she can do amazing things with all four legs! 🙂  I’m looking forward to get to work at liberty and sincerely hope that Elena will help and assist and inspire me (and Indra) for many more years.”

Vivian, Wassenaar


“Some years ago, while looking after a horse, I learned about Parelli Natural horsemanship. I started to study it by watching DVD-s and putting the theory to practice. Somewhere along the way I got stuck and confused, and there was no longer improvement for me or the horse. So I went looking for a Parelli-instructor to help me. Fortunately I found Elena Bacchini. Elena is passionate about horses. She has lots of practical experience and is very knowledgeable about human and horse psychology – and reverse psychology. True Horse-Man-Ship! Her teaching is inspiring, she guides us to be better all the time. And on top of that: Elena really is a most joyful and lovely girl!”

Merel, Wassenaar (The Netherlands)

“Elena Bacchini is a wonderful Parelli teacher. She can read the behaviour and psychological status of horse and handler in a split second. And then in a lovely, comfortable and very patient way, she explains her findings and helps you to learn how to improve your communication with your horse. I have learnt so much and I want to learn more from her. She understands every single horse very well and the horses respond magically to her. To me she is the horse wizard. I very much recommend her as a Parelli teacher. “


Laura, Nieuw-Vennep (The Netherlands)


“Since I’ve been taking lessons from Elena the bond between Amalia and myself is getting stronger. We have learned how to work together as a team, to work with trust and to boost Amalia’s confidence. Elena explains everything clear and enthusiastic. The lessons are consistent with our needs. I’m learning a lot and always looking forward to the next lesson!”